Hollywood Burlesque Fest Sparkling Blanc De Noirs
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The Hollywood Burlesque Festival aims to ensure the ongoing tradition of burlesque in the arts and to raise aware- ness and appreciation of an art form that both empowers and admires the human figure. We believe that modern burlesque is for every body regardless of the previous beauty standards performers were forced to adhere to. We welcome acts of all styles and performers of any shape, size, color, ability, background, age, identity, gender, or economic class to join our stage. Own your own bottle! Featured on the label, the gal behind the Hollywood Burlesque Festival - Miss Spent Youth.
Full-bodied and fruity. Pinot Meunier lends a distinct red fruit flavor and freshness, while the Pinot Noir grapes give it more citrusy notes. The wine is elegant with tasting notes of apple, lemon, and honey.
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